
"Jack Russell Dog with a squirrel Weathervane" This copper Jack Russell Terrier Dog weathervane features glass eyes, gold leafed patterns and distinctive tooling which gives the fur a realistic texture on the body. Customers can provide photographs of their special canine pets for a customized weather vane depicting their favorite dog. Glass eye color can be selected to accommodate a variety of dog eye colors. Personalized dog weathervanes can feature gold-leafing to bring out your pet's distinctive markings, as well as dog collars bearing your dog's name.

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This copper Jack Russell Terrier Dog weathervane features glass eyes, gold leafed patterns and distinctive tooling which gives the fur a realistic texture on the body. Customers can provide photographs of their special canine pets for a customized weather vane depicting their favorite dog. Glass eye color can be selected to accommodate a variety of dog eye colors. Personalized dog weathervanes can feature gold-leafing to bring out your pet's distinctive markings, as well as dog collars bearing your dog's name.

Courtesy of Chisholm Gallery, LLC

We are one of only a handful of artists anywhere in the world producing handcrafted copper weather vanes. Our specialty is doing custom design work and portrait weather vanes. We use the difficult ‘free form’ and ‘repoussé’ techniques to create these high quality sculptures. No molds are used so each piece is slightly different from any others that we make. Because each one is finely crafted and completely unique, they will very probably become collector’s items that should increase in value as they age and acquire their lovely and distinctive greenish patina.

Custom Designed Polo Weathervanes (PDF)

View more weathervane links and categories:

Polo Weathervanes

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Our rapidly expanding line currently includes over 600 different designs ranging from aquatic to animal, bird, human, mythological and transportation related designs. The diversity of work, new technical challenges and variety of customers with whom we have worked keeps our interest and enthusiasm high. We are currently celebrating close to 20 years of weather vane making and love what we do even more today than we did the day we started.

For additional information, please contact us:

Gallery: 561.557.3747
Mobile: 845.505.1147