Desgodetz, Antoine Babuty
Antique Architectural, 1682 Engraved plates from the publication: Les edifices antiques de Rome dessinés et mesurés très exactement (Paris 1682), 13 x 9 inches, 22 x 17 inches, Matted & Framed
Antoine Babuty Desgodetz’s (1653–1728) publication Les edifices antiques de Rome dessinés et mesurés très exactement (Paris 1682) provided detailed engravings of the monuments and antiquities of Rome to serve French artists and architects.
Desgodetz had been sent to Rome in an official capacity, part of French architectural and artistic policy, and the engravings for his publication were supervised by Jean-Baptiste Colbert, according to Desgodetz’ introduction (Haskell and Penny 1981: 37)
The young architect with a copy of Les edifices antiques de Rome could determine the precise proportions of many Roman structures, such as the portico of the Pantheon, or the Temple of Vesta, Tivoli, that were considered the best models, a practice that had the effect of standardizing the details of academic architecture in France. His Edifices antiques was reissued in Paris, 1729 and again in 1779, when it proved as helpful to Neoclassical architects as it had been to classicizing Late Baroque ones.
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